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bug unconfirmed low priority help wanted



Package Version


Laravel Version


Livewire Version

No response

PHP Version

PHP 8.3

Problem description

If we configure the panel to use multiple domain, php artisan optimize fails

Unable to prepare route [admin/login] for serialization. Another route has already been assigned name [filament.admin.auth.login].

Expected behavior

We should be allowed to use multiple domains.

Steps to reproduce

  1. git clone
  2. cp .env.example .env
  3. php artisan migrate --seed
  4. I have added two domains in Admin panel provider
  5. php artisan optimze

Reproduction repository

Relevant log output

No response

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13th Mar 2024 @ 15:51

enhancement help wanted good first issue

Server is down with 503 error when loading big pdf(8Mb, 40 pages). It's because you puting file in construct method Imagick.

$this->imagick = new Imagick($pdfFile);

But why whole file if i need only one page. In method getImageData there is instruction that page is need use for generate preview.

$this->imagick->readImage(sprintf('%s[%s]', $this->pdfFile, $this->page - 1));

If you need read all file don't indicate index of page. Like this:


After then i deleted file from constructor Imagick

$this->imagick = new Imagick();

And all works fine. If you want pick another page there is method setPage

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11th Jan 2020 @ 10:59

help wanted

Laravel Version


PHP Version


Database Driver & Version

No response


This is a little tricky, but I ran into this issue after upgrading to Laravel 11 and first suspected it was a problem with Blade Heroicons Kit.

In Laravel 11 the optimize command was extended to cache events and views.

When running optimize on a fresh app with the Heroicons kit it blew up:

➜  heroicons php artisan optimize

   INFO  Caching framework bootstrap, configuration, and metadata.  

  config ............................................................................................................................... 7.62ms DONE
  events ............................................................................................................................... 0.71ms DONE
  routes ............................................................................................................................... 5.56ms DONE
  views ............................................................................................................................... 28.61ms FAIL


  Unable to locate a class or view for component [heroicon-s-bars-3].

  at vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/View/Compilers/ComponentTagCompiler.php:311
    307▕         if (Str::startsWith($component, 'mail::')) {
    308▕             return $component;
    309▕         }
  ➜ 311▕         throw new InvalidArgumentException(
    312▕             "Unable to locate a class or view for component [{$component}]."
    313▕         );
    314▕     }

      +2 vendor frames 

  3   [internal]:0
      Illuminate\View\Compilers\ComponentTagCompiler::Illuminate\View\Compilers\{closure}(["<x-heroicon-s-bars-3 />", "heroicon-s-bars-3", "", ""])
      +7 vendor frames 

  11  [internal]:0
      Illuminate\Foundation\Console\ViewCacheCommand::Illuminate\Foundation\Console\{closure}(Object(Symfony\Component\Finder\SplFileInfo), "/Users/dwight/Sites/heroicons/resources/views/welcome.blade.php")

However, running php artisan view:cache runs fine.

Through playing with the optimize command I realised two things:

  • If I comment out config or route caching from optimize then it works fine. Something that happens in the config:cache or route:cache command is affecting what happens in the view:cache command.
  • The instance of the BladeCompiler from the container and the one that is received inside the ViewCacheCommand appear to be different (and the second doesn't have the Heroicon aliases available)

Steps To Reproduce

laravel new heroicons
cd heroicons
composer require blade-ui-kit/blade-heroicons

Add an icon to the welcome page: <x-heroicon-s-bars-3 />

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18th Mar 2024 @ 08:58

enhancement help wanted
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12th Mar 2024 @ 10:20

bug help wanted

Laravel Version


PHP Version


Database Driver & Version

No response


As found out in #50120 - the php artisan schedule:list is broken for fluent-style scheduling entries.

The scheduling still works as expected, but the list is displayed incorrectly.

Using the example from the docs (

      ->between('7:00', '22:00');

php artisan schedule:list:

  0 * * * *    php artisan emails:send ......................... Next Due: in 8 Minutes

As you can see the configuration is displayed as a seemingly random value, in this case just hourly.

Related Laracasts topic:

Steps To Reproduce


      ->between('7:00', '22:00');

to routes/console.php and launch

php artisan schedule:list
View more


20th Mar 2024 @ 10:50

help wanted findapr
  public function bell()
        $this->count += 1;
        flash()->addInfo('Your information has been saved and a confirmation email has been sent.');

This flash message doesn't show up until I reload the page If I reload the page then what's is the point of using livewire

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12 comments 👍 1


17th Nov 2023 @ 01:19

bug help wanted

When attempting to filter tests by test or file name pressing the "Enter" key has no effect.

Pressing "Enter" at the default screen correctly triggers a "test run" where all tests are run.

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25th Feb 2018 @ 10:49

Feature help wanted

Calling for help from Docker experts. We need to create the best possible docker-compose.yml file for this project. The application requirements are well defined (we use env vars, Webpack Encore, PHP 7.1, Symfony 4.1, SQLite database, etc.) so it should be possible to create that file.

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30 comments 👍 28


21st May 2018 @ 09:37

help wanted findapr
protected $listeners = [
public function logout()
            ->addInfo('confirm or deny action');

public function sweetalertConfirmed(array $payload)
        sweetalert()->addSuccess('sweetalert was confirmed');

public function sweetalertDenied(array $payload)
        sweetalert()->addError('sweetalert was denied');

i have code for laravel 10 and livewire 3 and get Uncaught TypeError: Livewire.components is undefined when i click button logout, here my button logout:

<a wire:click.prevent="logout" href="#" class="nav_link" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-title="Logout">
    <i class='bx bx-log-out nav_icon'></i>
    <span class="nav_name">Logout</span>

how can fix this code

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12th Dec 2023 @ 05:38

bug help wanted

What happened?

After installation, I noticed that in the browser console it outputs an error of wireEl is undefined.

How to reproduce the bug

Just install this package in a livewire project, preferable with Filament's admin package. And see the browser console.

composer create-project laravel/laravel test;
composer require filamentphp/filament;
composer require spatie/laravel-blade-comments;

Then go through the browser console and see the error

Package Version


PHP Version


Laravel Version


Which operating systems does with happen with?



Filament ......................................................
Packages ...... filament, forms, notifications, support, tables
Version .............................................. v2.17.44
Views ..................................... PUBLISHED: filament

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4 comments 👍 1


2nd Jun 2023 @ 07:15

help wanted

Laravel Version


PHP Version


Database Driver & Version

mysql Ver 8.0.28 for Linux on x86_64 (MySQL Community Server - GPL)


I noticed a lazy violation exception in production, and I had created a test to reproduce the issue but the test passed. After I added the following code to my TestCase ($this->withoutExceptionHandling();), the test started to fail, and a bunch of other tests failed. I think "LazyLoadingViolationException" should be reported during tests (this is the perfect moment to catch these errors).

However they get correctly reported, but silently in the logs.

That may be a confusion/misunderstanding over what is the purpose of handling exceptions during feature tests (I did not find any usable information in the documentation about the why).

I was also surprised to have detected other "hidden" exceptions since I disabled exception handling (but that is outside the scope of this issue).

Steps To Reproduce

With a model with a one to many relationship (example shopping list -> items), controller loops through the items, and the tests should ensure 2 or more items are attached to the tested model (shopping list).

// app/app/Providers/AppServiceProvider.php


namespace App\Providers;

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App;
use Illuminate\Support\ServiceProvider;
use Sentry\Laravel\Integration;

final class AppServiceProvider extends ServiceProvider
  public function boot(): void

    if (App::isProduction()) {
// app/tests/TestCase.php


namespace Tests;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\LazilyRefreshDatabase;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestCase as BaseTestCase;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;

abstract class TestCase extends BaseTestCase
  use CreatesApplication;
  use LazilyRefreshDatabase;

  protected bool $seed = true;

  protected function setUp(): void

    $this->withoutExceptionHandling(); // When this line is commented, the test below does not fail (not wanted)

// app/tests/Feature/Http/Controllers/ShoppingListCopyControllerTest.php


namespace Tests\Feature\Http\Controllers;

use App\Models\Aisle;
use App\Models\Item;
use App\Models\ShoppingList;
use App\Models\Subscription;
use App\Models\User;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\WithFaker;
use Tests\TestCase;

final class ShoppingListCopyControllerTest extends TestCase
  use WithFaker;

  public function testMemberDoesntGetItemsOwnerAisleWhenDuplicatingShoppingList(): void
    $user = User::factory()

    $shoppingList = ShoppingList::factory()->for($user, "author")
      ->has(User::factory()->has(Subscription::factory()->standard()), "members")

    $member = $shoppingList->members->first();

    assert($member instanceof User);

      ->post(route("", $shoppingList), [
        "name" => $this->faker->name(),
// app/app/Http/Controllers/ShoppingListCopyController.php


namespace App\Http\Controllers;

use App\Http\Requests\StoreShoppingListCopyRequest;
use App\Models\Item;
use App\Models\ShoppingList;
use Illuminate\Http\RedirectResponse;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;

final class ShoppingListCopyController extends Controller
  public function store(StoreShoppingListCopyRequest $request, ShoppingList $shoppingList): RedirectResponse
    $user = $request->user();
    $duplicatedShoppingList = $shoppingList->replicate();

    \assert($duplicatedShoppingList instanceof ShoppingList);


    $duplicatedShoppingList->name = $request->string("name")->toString();

    $duplicatedItems = $shoppingList
      ->map(function (Item $item) use ($user): Item {
        $duplicatedItem = $item->replicate();

        if (!$item->aisle?->user?->is($user)) { // lazy loading violation here

        return $duplicatedItem;



    return redirect()->route("", $duplicatedShoppingList);
// app/app/Exceptions/Handler.php


namespace App\Exceptions;

use Illuminate\Foundation\Exceptions\Handler as ExceptionHandler;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App;
use Sentry\Laravel\Integration;
use Throwable;

final class Handler extends ExceptionHandler
   * A list of the exception types that are not reported.>
  protected $dontReport = [];

  protected $dontFlash = [

  public function register(): void
    $this->reportable(function (Throwable $e): void {
       * @see
      if (!App::environment("local")) {

Edit: I had to explicitly list which exceptions the framework should handle so that all new exceptions are not handled and I can decide which one should be. In my opinion this should be done behind the scene so that everything that can be asserted (validation, authorization, ...) is handled by default and everything that is not assertable (lazy loading violations etc...) keep popping up in the CLI.

This code below produces the results I expect, so that new missing attributes or violation exceptions gets detected.

// app/tests/TestCase.php


namespace Tests;

use Illuminate\Auth\Access\AuthorizationException;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\ModelNotFoundException;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\LazilyRefreshDatabase;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Testing\TestCase as BaseTestCase;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Http;
use Illuminate\Validation\ValidationException;
use Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Exception\HttpException;

abstract class TestCase extends BaseTestCase
  use CreatesApplication;
  use LazilyRefreshDatabase;

  protected bool $seed = true;

  protected function setUp(): void


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1 comment


8th Mar 2024 @ 21:08

enhancement help wanted hacktoberfest

Found the \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns\HasAttributes::originalIsEquivalent() method during code diving and it should be usable for our trait! 🎉 This PR would be mainly reasearch when that method was added, if it's compatible with our version support rules and switching our own change detection logic with the core one.

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20th Oct 2021 @ 10:03

enhancement help wanted

For some reason, our test suite is super slow. We should look into this and try to decrease memory usage and speed it up.

Parallel run:

  Tests:    316 passed (785 assertions)
  Duration: 13.64s
  Parallel: 10 processes

Regular run:

  Tests:    316 passed (785 assertions)
  Duration: 96.30s
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29th Dec 2023 @ 10:43

bug unconfirmed low priority help wanted



Package Version


Laravel Version


Livewire Version


PHP Version

PHP 8.2

Problem description

I have topic_id in Post & Articles connected with topic_id with relation topic, but when I tried to set locales for the Article & Post Title and other content that was added worked perfectly, but topic related data does not work I mean it does not change the translation When I tried to debug it is working perfectly but in view it does not change

    ->getOptionLabelFromRecordUsing(function (Topic $topic, $livewire) {
        Log::info('Active Locale: ' . $livewire->activeLocale);

        $translatedTitle = $topic->getTranslation('title', $livewire->activeLocale);

        Log::info('Translated Title: ' . $translatedTitle);

        return $translatedTitle ?? $topic->title; // Fallback to default title if translation is not available
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Active Locale: en  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Translated Title: Deserunt.  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Active Locale: en  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Translated Title: Incidunt sunt est animi.  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Active Locale: en  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Translated Title: Totam libero aspernatur est.  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Active Locale: en  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Translated Title: Et tempore voluptatum.  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Active Locale: en  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Translated Title: Nemo et sint.  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Active Locale: en  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Translated Title: Repellat consequatur dolores nostrum numquam.  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Active Locale: en  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Translated Title: Earum tenetur.  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Active Locale: en  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Translated Title: Aut sunt blanditiis blanditiis ut.  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Active Locale: en  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Translated Title: Provident vel.  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Active Locale: en  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Translated Title: Qui voluptas ut.  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Active Locale: en  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Translated Title: Sapiente ut exercitationem assumenda nesciunt.  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Active Locale: en  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Translated Title: Eveniet voluptatem consequuntur eum.  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Active Locale: en  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Translated Title: Ipsa ipsa dicta corrupti.  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Active Locale: en  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Translated Title: Qui veniam nulla ut earum.  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Active Locale: en  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Translated Title: At asperiores consequuntur.  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Active Locale: en  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Translated Title: Ut.  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Active Locale: en  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Translated Title: Voluptatibus quisquam laboriosam eligendi dolores provident distinctio id deserunt.  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Active Locale: en  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Translated Title: Earum soluta.  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Active Locale: en  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Translated Title: Voluptatem voluptatibus dolores.  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Active Locale: en  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Translated Title: Rerum esse aut.  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Active Locale: en  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Translated Title: Dolore.  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Active Locale: en  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Translated Title: Quos modi illo est et molestiae.  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Active Locale: en  
[2024-01-31 12:53:57] local.INFO: Translated Title: Hic cum.  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Active Locale: ar  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Translated Title: Eum et rerum.  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Active Locale: ar  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Translated Title: Nihil voluptate voluptas est aliquid debitis qui doloremque non voluptate corporis.  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Active Locale: ar  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Translated Title: Alias in consequuntur officiis.  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Active Locale: ar  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Translated Title: Iste qui sunt omnis et eaque in.  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Active Locale: ar  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Translated Title: Quas hic.  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Active Locale: ar  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Translated Title: Incidunt animi perspiciatis natus doloremque commodi aut delectus.  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Active Locale: ar  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Translated Title: Et ut.  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Active Locale: ar  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Translated Title: Voluptatem qui inventore nobis itaque et magni.  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Active Locale: ar  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Translated Title: Voluptatem libero.  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Active Locale: ar  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Translated Title: Vero et modi veniam quidem.  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Active Locale: ar  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Translated Title: Dolorum architecto ut deleniti repudiandae quidem sit non.  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Active Locale: ar  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Translated Title: Rem dolorum rerum pariatur libero rerum.  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Active Locale: ar  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Translated Title: Tempore distinctio autem commodi.  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Active Locale: ar  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Translated Title: Ut sequi perferendis distinctio consequatur accusantium.  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Active Locale: ar  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Translated Title: Esse hic eum saepe officiis sapiente.  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Active Locale: ar  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Translated Title: Eveniet consectetur numquam architecto consectetur architecto quo nostrum.  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Active Locale: ar  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Translated Title: Maiores qui ut non.  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Active Locale: ar  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Translated Title: Blanditiis dolorum provident non suscipit.  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Active Locale: ar  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Translated Title: Impedit sunt odio illo.  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Active Locale: ar  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Translated Title: Ea reiciendis facere eligendi dignissimos voluptate architecto.  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Active Locale: ar  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Translated Title: Quo corrupti ut illum.  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Active Locale: ar  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Translated Title: Delectus eaque.  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Active Locale: ar  
[2024-01-31 12:54:05] local.INFO: Translated Title: Omnis dignissimos exercitationem praesentium.  

Expected behavior

It should have changed the select locale title

Steps to reproduce

  1. Installed Package filament/spatie-laravel-translatable-plugin

  2. Set up the Models and Migrations Accordingly: Article Model:


namespace App\Models;

use App\Concerns\HasMeta;
use App\Concerns\Sluggable;
use App\Concerns\HasFeaturedImage;
use App\Concerns\HasPublishedScope;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\BelongsTo;
use Spatie\Translatable\HasTranslations;

class Article extends Model
    use HasPublishedScope, Sluggable, HasFactory, HasMeta, SoftDeletes, HasFeaturedImage, HasTranslations;

    public $translatable = ['title', 'content', 'excerpt'];

     * The attributes that are mass assignable.
     * @var array
    protected $fillable = [

     * The attributes that should be cast to native types.
     * @var array
    protected $casts = [
        'published_at' => 'datetime',
        'content' => 'array',

    protected $with = [

    public function getPublicUrl()
        return route('', $this);

    public function topic(): BelongsTo
        return $this->belongsTo(Topic::class, 'topic_id', 'id');

    public function author(): BelongsTo
        return $this->belongsTo(User::class, 'author_id');

Topic Model:


namespace App\Models;

use App\Concerns\HasMeta;
use App\Concerns\Sluggable;
use App\Concerns\HasFeaturedImage;
use App\Concerns\HasPublishedScope;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Spatie\Translatable\HasTranslations;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\SoftDeletes;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Factories\HasFactory;

class Topic extends Model
    use HasPublishedScope, Sluggable, HasFactory, HasMeta, SoftDeletes, HasFeaturedImage, HasTranslations;

    public $translatable = ['title', 'content', 'excerpt'];
     * The attributes that are mass assignable.
     * @var array
    protected $fillable = [

     * The attributes that should be cast to native types.
     * @var array
    protected $casts = [
        'id' => 'integer',
        'indexable' => 'boolean',
        'content' => 'array',

    protected $with = [

    public function getPublicUrl()
        return route('', $this);

    public function articles()
        return $this->hasMany(Article::class);
  1. Generated the Resources and modified as per the instructions provided in the packages.

Images: English English Arabic Arabic

Reproduction repository

Relevant log output

No response

View more


31st Jan 2024 @ 07:42

bug unconfirmed low priority help wanted



Package Version


Laravel Version


Livewire Version


PHP Version

PHP 8.2.16

Problem description

I split my form in multi sections, in first one, Select and Datepicker are ->native(false)and ->live()to permit to see a third component (another Select) when values are set. When I choose an option on first Select, many errors occur in browser console

Alpine Expression Error: displayText is not defined...
Alpine Expression Error: focusedMonth is not defined...
Alpine Expression Error: months is not defined...
Alpine Expression Error: focusedYear is not defined...
Alpine Expression Error: dayLabels is not defined...
Alpine Expression Error: emptyDaysInFocusedMonth is not defined...
Alpine Expression Error: daysInFocusedMonth is not defined...

Same problem when I edit a record, when I change option, same errors appear

  • If I remove ->native(false) of all Datepicker, no errors but I need minDate, maxDate etc.
  • If I remove ->spa() in AdminPanelProvider, no errors
  • If I add, below ->spa()
->spaUrlExceptions(fn (): array => [

erros occur too

Expected behavior

No error should appears

Steps to reproduce

You can see this problem by cloning reproduction repository

Reproduction repository

Relevant log output

No response

View more


20th Mar 2024 @ 21:22

help wanted

I would be good to support normalizer_get_raw_decomposition function that appeared in PHP 7.3. I've tried to implement it but seems that existing decomposition data is already optimized to get the final decomposition. Example test case is available here. Pinging @nicolas-grekas as he is the author of Normalizer polyfill.

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12th May 2018 @ 23:26

help wanted

Laravel Version


PHP Version


Database Driver & Version



The DB connector code is meant to retry failed connections, but failing to connect due to a connect timeout is not retried. I have observed this on MySQL, but possibly other drivers suffer the same issue.

Steps To Reproduce

Using the mysql driver, set the host to Only one attempt is made to connect to the DB because tryAgainIfCausedByLostConnection determines that message SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Operation timed out should not be re-tried. I think the tryAgainIfCausedByLostConnection logic is great for re-connecting post-connect, but is not so good for retrying the initial connect. I think we need to add additional message matching specifically for the connector code, only. A timeout should not otherwise be retried, since that could result in double inserts, for example.

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4 comments 👍 4


10th Oct 2023 @ 11:56

help wanted

Laravel Version


PHP Version


Database Driver & Version

No response


We've identified an issue whereby in multi-server environments where commands are scheduled to run using withoutOverlapping() and onOneServer(), the commands will very occasionally not run at all on any server (about 0.2% of the time in our environment). Not a problem for things running every minute where we first spotted the problem, but more impactful when things running a few times or once per day are skipped.

Just going to start with outlining my understanding of how scheduled commands get run when withoutOverlapping() and onOneServer() are used:

  • Commands due to run are iterated over (ScheduleRunCommand::handle, L121)
  • Each command is checked to ensure filters pass before proceeding (ScheduleRunCommand::handle, L122)
    • Because we used withoutOverlapping() a check is added to the filters to ensure the event mutex lock does not currently exist (Event::withoutOverlapping, L713)
  • For each command that passes the filters (i.e. considered to be not currently running), serverShouldRun() is then called to check for and take a scheduling lock for the current server to run the command for the current hour/minute (ScheduleRunCommand::runSingleServerEvent, L156)
  • Once confirmed that the event is not currently running and the server has the lock to run the event for the current schedule run, Event::run is called (Event::run, L217)
  • As a final check before the event runs, shouldSkipDueToOverlapping() is called which checks whether withoutOverlapping() was used and checks that the event lock can be obtained (Event::shouldSkipDueToOverlapping, L237)

Just for clarity, there's two locks in play;

  • The event lock which is used by withoutOverlapping() to identify whether a command is already being run.
  • The scheduling lock used by onOneSever() to check whether a command has already been run on a server for the current schedule run (identified by the current hour and minute.)

The problem stems from the way in which the event mutex lock is checked for existence, which was introduced in PR #45963.

Originally, the CacheEventMutex would just check if the cache had an entry for the lock (CacheEventMutex::exists, L69) which worked fine, but PR #45963 changed that behavior. For cache stores that implement the LockProvider interface (Redis, Memcached) it now attempts to get the lock and then immediately releases it again (but this is not done atomically.)

So the race condition looks something like this if Server B's system clock is just slightly slower than Server A:

Time Server A Server B
12:00:00 Checking that Event A is not currently running, takes event lock for Event A
12:00:01 Releases event lock for Event A, determining that it is not currently running so should be run
12:00:02 Takes scheduling lock for Event A to run on Server A
12:00:03 Checking that Event A is not currently running, takes event lock for Event A
12:00:04 Attempts to take the event lock for Event A to run it, fails because Server B has the lock, then skips due to overlapping
12:00:05 Releases event lock for Event A, determining that it is not currently running so should be run
12:00:06 Attempts to take scheduling lock for Event A to run on Server B, fails as the scheduling lock was already taken by Server A, skips assuming command was run on another server already

So in this scenario the scheduled command is never run, there's no error message, and the ScheduledTaskSkipped doesn't even get fired because the call to run() just returns if shouldSkipDueToOverlapping() returns true.

In terms of a solution, it might make sense to be able to check for the existence of a lock without taking and releasing it, maybe a new abstract exists() on Lock ( which CacheEventMutex could use and RedisLock/MemcachedLock could implement their own atomic means of checking for lock existence, although that probably constitutes a backwards-compatibility break. Happy to put together a PR for whatever the agreed solution is.

As a workaround, I've just bound an older version of CacheEventMutex to Illuminate\Console\Scheduling\EventMutex to override the changes implemented in #45963 which has solved the issue in our project for now.

Steps To Reproduce

Given its a race condition its very hard to reproduce, but hopefully there's enough details in the description to understand what's going on.

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3 comments 👀 1


1st Mar 2024 @ 15:30

help wanted

NotOrm Package

The goal is to make abstract code based on the package notorm to build a new orm system

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15th Jun 2022 @ 12:34

bug help wanted

Laravel Version


PHP Version


Database Driver & Version

Redis 7.2.4


Queued jobs with ShouldBeUnique may cause stale unique locks in the case when the dependent model is missing.

According to the source code of the CallQueuedHandler::call() unique lock cleanup may never be reached in case if the job depends on the missing model AND the job is configured to be deleted when the model is missing (public $deleteWhenMissingModels = true).

Steps To Reproduce

The PoC is made using Redis queue, a similar approach may work with other drivers.

  1. Create a new project: laravel new poc.
  2. Ensure Redis is configured & reachable in your .env file. WARNING: PoC will flush all keys.
  3. Create poc.php file with the following contents:

use Illuminate\Bus\Queueable;
use Illuminate\Queue\WorkerOptions;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\DB;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Queue;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Redis;
use Illuminate\Queue\SerializesModels;
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Console\Kernel;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldQueue;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Bus\Dispatchable;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Queue\ShouldBeUnique;

require 'vendor/autoload.php';
$app = require __DIR__.'/bootstrap/app.php';
$cli = $app->make(Kernel::class);

    'database.default' => 'sqlite',
    'queue.default' => 'redis',
    'cache.default' => 'redis',

$cli->call('migrate', ['--force' => true]);

        name VARCHAR(255) UNIQUE

        name VARCHAR(255) NOT NULL

// ensure there are no keys in the DB

class Main extends Model {
    public $table = 'main';
    public $timestamps = false;
    public $fillable = ['name'];

class Secondary extends Model {
    public $table = 'secondary';
    public $timestamps = false;
    public $fillable = ['name'];

class MyJob implements ShouldQueue, ShouldBeUnique {
    use Dispatchable, Queueable, SerializesModels;

    public $tries = 1;
    public $maxExceptions = 1;
    public $deleteWhenMissingModels = true;

    public function __construct(
        public Main $main,
        public Secondary $secondary,

    public function handle() {

    public function uniqueId() {
        return 'job-for-' . $this->main->id;

// create 2 instances
$main = Main::create(['name' => 'main model']);
$secondary = Secondary::create(['name' => 'secondary model']);

// and schedule a job for them
MyJob::dispatch($main, $secondary);

// delete the secondary model

// run the job
app('queue.worker')->runNextJob('redis', 'default', new WorkerOptions);

echo 'Queue size: ', Queue::size('default'), PHP_EOL; // no tasks left
echo 'Redis contents:', PHP_EOL;
dump(Redis::keys('*')); // unique id is still there
  1. Execute the poc.php php poc.php
  2. Inspect the output to see the stale unique lock


Queue size: 0
Redis contents:
array:1 [
  0 => "laravel_database_laravel_cache_:laravel_unique_job:MyJobjob-for-1"
] // poc.php:95

Expected result

The unique lock has been removed.

Actual result

A stale unique lock still exists.

View more


29th Jan 2024 @ 11:00

help wanted


I noticed that there is an incompatibility with the mbstring polyfill and PHP 8.1 / Alpine Linux, which breaks a lot of my projects as soon as the php81-mbstring is not installed, but php81-iconv is installed:


Warning: iconv(): Wrong encoding, conversion from "ASCII" to "UTF-8//IGNORE" is not allowed in phar:///var/www/localhost/htdocs/phpstan.phar/vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/Mbstring.php on line 736

It looks like //IGNORE is not accepted since echo iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8', 'test'); works, while echo iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', 'test'); doesn't

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7th Jan 2022 @ 00:12

enhancement help wanted good first issue

Describe the bug logUnguarded() works provided that $guarded is set explicitly in the model. If it is not set explicitly but globally set, say in AppServiceProvider using Model::unguard(); then nothing is logged.

To Reproduce

  1. remove $fillable and $guarded from a model that use uses LogsActivity
  2. call Model::unguard(); in AppServiceProvider in the boot method
  3. set
    public function getActivitylogOptions() : LogOptions
        return LogOptions::defaults()->logUnguarded();
  1. Make some changes to a model and save them

Expected behavior Some changed properties should be logged but none are

Versions (please complete the following information)

  • PHP: 8.1
  • Database: MySql
  • Laravel: 9.38
  • Package: larvel-activitylog
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1 comment


20th Nov 2022 @ 12:31

help wanted question

AST, or "abstract syntax tree", creates the expectation of a nested tree structure. In the case of a query string, the AST will only ever be one level deep; as multi nodes are combined into one.

If anyone wants to suggest a better, more clear name: you're welcome.

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1 comment


20th Dec 2018 @ 13:41


Im using PHPFlasher in a symfony application however it adds session state when not in use. I am combining it with API Platform and my API itself it stateless so it should not hold any session data (causes errors).

How should i handle this (if even possible?)

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2nd Jun 2023 @ 12:24

help wanted

Laravel Version


PHP Version


Database Driver & Version

No response


I am implementing a Laravel 11 command, with choice, and when I test it I receive this message:

Output "blablabla" was not printed.

I tried then the example on the Laravel 11 documentation

$name = $this->ask('What is your name?');

$language = $this->choice('Which language do you prefer?', [

$this->line('Your name is '.$name.' and you prefer '.$language.'.');
     ->expectsQuestion('What is your name?', 'Taylor Otwell')
     ->expectsQuestion('Which language do you prefer?', 'PHP')
     ->expectsOutput('Your name is Taylor Otwell and you prefer PHP.')
     ->doesntExpectOutput('Your name is Taylor Otwell and you prefer Ruby.')
     ->expectsOutputToContain('Taylor Otwell')
     ->doesntExpectOutputToContain('you prefer Ruby')

but I receive this message:

Output does not contain "Taylor Otwell".

How do I test a choice command using Laravel 11?

Steps To Reproduce

Create a command and follow the instructions Create a Test for the Command Run the test

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11th Apr 2024 @ 12:09

help wanted

When encountering nested tokens, they are parsed only during formatting, not when compiling the pattern. And the type of tokens are validated only during the rendering as well. But the native implementation detects such error during the instantiation: This means that the error handling required for the polyfill is not the same than for the native implementation.

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23rd Oct 2018 @ 15:58

help wanted findapr


I have an issue in my dockerized Laravel 10 app and flasher 1.15.3. The issue is that notifications are not displayed when I'm using something like this:

    public function customRoute(Request $request): RedirectResponse
        // action
        flash()->addSuccess('Success notification.');

        return redirect()->back();

When I'm redirecting notification won't be displayed, but when directly returning view it works. It behaves like that because of this part of code in your package:

final class StorageBag implements StorageInterface
     * @var BagInterface
    private $bag;

    public function __construct(BagInterface $bag = null)
        $this->bag = null !== $bag && 'cli' !== \PHP_SAPI ? $bag : new ArrayBag();

especially this 'cli' !== \PHP_SAPI because since we are using docker our app is in CLI mode. Can anoyone tell my why this PHP_SAPI check has to be present here?

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13th Sep 2023 @ 05:19

bug help wanted

Laravel Version


PHP Version


Database Driver & Version

No response


The getPrefix() method of the Illuminate\Routing\Route returns different values for non-cached and cached routes:

  • /{locale} - the return value of the getPrefix() method for a non-cached route
  • {locale} - the return value of the getPrefix() method for a cached route

This discrepancy in the results for non-cached/cached routes seems a sort of bug to me.

This issue might be related with #43882 and #43997.

Steps To Reproduce

After installing a new Laravel project, just add a route group to the web routes (the /routes/web.php file). For example:

    'prefix' => '{locale}',
    'where' => ['locale' => 'en|fr|de'],
], function () {
    Route::get('/', function () {
        return view('welcome');

Then, use the tinker tool to get the registered routes and check the getPrefix() return values. Let's check the non-cacned routes:

$routes = app('router')->getRoutes()->get('GET');

foreach ($routes as $route) {

The result is going to be: image

Then, we can cache the routes with artisan route:cache command and use tinker again.

$routes = app('router')->getRoutes()->get('GET');

foreach ($routes as $route) {

The result is going to be: image

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25th Feb 2024 @ 12:39

enhancement help wanted

Figure our a way to show a grayed out Laravel logo as a default avatar instead of the current default GitHub one.

View more


29th Sep 2021 @ 10:48

bug unconfirmed low priority help wanted



Package Version


Laravel Version


Livewire Version


PHP Version


Problem description

If you have dynamic Tooltips like this:

    ->tooltip(fn(TextColumn $column, ?string $state): ?string =>
         strlen($state) <= $column->getCharacterLimit() 
            ? null 
            : $state)

And the state changes so that null would be returned the tooltip will not be disappear but still show the old value. This can happen if you use, for example, the filament/spatie-laravel-translatable-plugin package and switch languages.

Expected behavior

The Tooltip should not appear with the old value again if a falsify value is returned from the evaluation function.

Steps to reproduce

First have a evaluation function that returns a string for the tooltip, than dynamically change something to not full fill the condition and return false, null or ''.

In the Repo:

  1. Install Dependencies
  2. run php artisan migrate --seed
  3. Go to Posts
  4. Check the Tooltip on title column
  5. switch Language to Spanish
  6. Old Tooltip with english text should still be there

ResourcePath: app/Filament/Resources/Blog/PostResource.php:43

Reproduction repository

Relevant log output

No response

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1 comment


27th Feb 2024 @ 15:42

enhancement help wanted
  • standard tags
  • input fields
  • components
  • patterns

Add code snippets for each block

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👍 1


25th Jul 2016 @ 12:49

enhancement help wanted

Hi! If I use this package with my project I has a problem. My package.json has a "git dependency" like this:

  "peerDependencies": {
    "package": "git+ssh://"

And npm-install-peers breaks.

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👍 5


18th Dec 2017 @ 08:52

help wanted hacktoberfest good first issue documentation

We are logging activity of several models, some using SoftDeletes trait and others not.

When we set config option 'subject_returns_soft_deleted_models' => true then calling subject() on any model not using SoftDeletes trait throws an exception: Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder::withTrashed().

Can the subject() method below be made to check first whether the Model uses the SoftDeletes trait? Or perhaps check whether withTrashed() is a defined method on the Model? I tried a few things but couldn't figure out how to get the class of the Model..

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7th Nov 2018 @ 13:44

help wanted

LiveComponent CI has failures on PHP 8.3 / high dependency

Symfony 7.1 introduces a new TypeInfo component that will partially replace PropertyInfo, and triggers a lot of deprecations.

We use this in two places : LivePropMetadata(/Factory) and in the Hydrate/Dehydate methods

Original PR: Documentation (wip):

That means that we must find a way to handle both for a time, so any good idea very welcome :)

CI Fail examples here:

Remaining direct deprecation notices (2793)

  705x: Since symfony/property-info 7.1: The "Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyInfoExtractor::getTypes()" method is deprecated, use "Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\PropertyInfoExtractor::getType()" instead.
    126x in LiveComponentHydratorTest::testCanDehydrateAndHydrateComponentWithTestCases from Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\Tests\Integration
    110x in QueryStringPropsExtractorTest::testExtract from Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\Tests\Functional\Util
    102x in LiveComponentHydratorTest::testCoerceFalseyValuesForScalarTypes from Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\Tests\Integration
    30x in LiveComponentHydratorTest::testCoerceTruthyValuesForScalarTypes from Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\Tests\Integration
    20x in ComponentWithFormTest::testHandleCheckboxChanges from Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\Tests\Functional\Form

  705x: Since symfony/property-info 7.1: The "Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Extractor\PhpStanExtractor::getTypes()" method is deprecated, use "Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Extractor\PhpStanExtractor::getType()" instead.
    126x in LiveComponentHydratorTest::testCanDehydrateAndHydrateComponentWithTestCases from Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\Tests\Integration
    110x in QueryStringPropsExtractorTest::testExtract from Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\Tests\Functional\Util
    102x in LiveComponentHydratorTest::testCoerceFalseyValuesForScalarTypes from Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\Tests\Integration
    30x in LiveComponentHydratorTest::testCoerceTruthyValuesForScalarTypes from Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\Tests\Integration
    20x in ComponentWithFormTest::testHandleCheckboxChanges from Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\Tests\Functional\Form

  691x: Since symfony/property-info 7.1: The "Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Extractor\PhpDocExtractor::getTypes()" method is deprecated, use "Symfony\Component\PropertyInfo\Extractor\PhpDocExtractor::getType()" instead.
    112x in LiveComponentHydratorTest::testCanDehydrateAndHydrateComponentWithTestCases from Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\Tests\Integration
    110x in QueryStringPropsExtractorTest::testExtract from Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\Tests\Functional\Util
    102x in LiveComponentHydratorTest::testCoerceFalseyValuesForScalarTypes from Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\Tests\Integration
    30x in LiveComponentHydratorTest::testCoerceTruthyValuesForScalarTypes from Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\Tests\Integration
    20x in ComponentWithFormTest::testHandleCheckboxChanges from Symfony\UX\LiveComponent\Tests\Functional\Form

If anyone has some time / motivation to look at this ❤️ ?

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9th Apr 2024 @ 16:49

enhancement help wanted

Discussed in

Originally posted by indyjonesnl January 10, 2024

$lodgingBusiness = Schema::lodgingBusiness()
      ->opens(new DateTime('09:00:00'))
      ->closes(new DateTime('17:00:00'))
  ->checkinTime(new DateTime('14:00:00'))
  ->checkoutTime(new DateTime('11:00:00'))

This results in the current date + time being included in the output "opens":"2024-01-10T09:00:00+00:00","closes":"2024-01-10T17:00:00+00:00" and ..."checkinTime":"2024-01-10T14:00:00+00:00","checkoutTime":"2024-01-10T11:00:00+00:00"...

While the Schema should contain only the time, formatted as 14:30:00+08:00.

Can someone point me in the right direction?

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11th Jan 2024 @ 13:12

help wanted

Add in PHP 7.3 as Normalizer::normalize() argument for NFKC_Casefold normalization.

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1 comment


7th Feb 2019 @ 10:11

help wanted


With the polyfill, var_dump(mb_strlen(chr(254))) return 0. With the php8.0-mbstring extension, var_dump(mb_strlen(chr(254))) return 1;

versions : * v1.26.0

Thanks, Alex

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18th Oct 2022 @ 12:51

help wanted

In raising this issue, I confirm the following (please check boxes):

  • I have read and understood the contributors guide.
  • I have checked the pull requests tab for existing solutions/implementations to my issue/suggestion.
  • I have checked that the bug-fix I am reporting can be replicated.

Description of the problem

One of the important reasons for using hyperscript is that it handles escaping of characters which are reserved in html. Which prevents XSS.

spatie/html-element does not do this. Mainly because it uses strings as intermediate format instead of an object representation of the DOM.

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6 comments 👍 3


1st Feb 2018 @ 02:19

help wanted

When calling mb_convert_encoding() with $fromEncoding === 'HTML-ENTITIES', the polyfill does not return functionally equivalent strings to the native function. This is because mb_convert_encoding() uses html_entity_decode() when $fromEncoding === 'HTML-ENTITIES' and that function does not return characters for many numeric entities 0-31 and 127-159. For example:


require "vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/Mbstring.php";

use Symfony\Polyfill\Mbstring as p;

for($i = 0; $i < 1024; $i++) {
	$string = "&#" . $i . ";";
	$mbstring = mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', 'HTML-ENTITIES');
	$polyfill = p\Mbstring::mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', 'HTML-ENTITIES');
	if($mbstring != $polyfill) {
		echo "Mismatch: $string - mbstring: $mbstring; polyfill: $polyfill\n";


Mismatch: &#0; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#0;
Mismatch: &#1; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#1;
Mismatch: &#2; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#2;
Mismatch: &#3; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#3;
Mismatch: &#4; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#4;
Mismatch: &#5; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#5;
Mismatch: &#6; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#6;
Mismatch: &#7; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#7;
Mismatch: &#8; - mbstring:; polyfill: &#8;
Mismatch: &#11; - mbstring:
                            ; polyfill: &#11;
Mismatch: &#12; - mbstring:
                            ; polyfill: &#12;
Mismatch: &#14; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#14;
Mismatch: &#15; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#15;
Mismatch: &#16; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#16;
Mismatch: &#17; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#17;
Mismatch: &#18; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#18;
Mismatch: &#19; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#19;
Mismatch: &#20; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#20;
Mismatch: &#21; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#21;
Mismatch: &#22; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#22;
Mismatch: &#23; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#23;
Mismatch: &#24; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#24;
Mismatch: &#25; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#25;
Mismatch: &#26; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#26;
Mismatch: &#27; - mbstring:  polyfill: &#27;
Mismatch: &#28; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#28;
Mismatch: &#29; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#29;
Mismatch: &#30; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#30;
Mismatch: &#31; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#31;
Mismatch: &#39; - mbstring: '; polyfill: &#39;
Mismatch: &#127; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#127;
Mismatch: &#128; - mbstring: €; polyfill: &#128;
Mismatch: &#129; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#129;
Mismatch: &#130; - mbstring: ‚; polyfill: &#130;
Mismatch: &#131; - mbstring: ƒ; polyfill: &#131;
Mismatch: &#132; - mbstring: „; polyfill: &#132;
Mismatch: &#133; - mbstring: …; polyfill: &#133;
Mismatch: &#134; - mbstring: †; polyfill: &#134;
Mismatch: &#135; - mbstring: ‡; polyfill: &#135;
Mismatch: &#136; - mbstring: ˆ; polyfill: &#136;
Mismatch: &#137; - mbstring: ‰; polyfill: &#137;
Mismatch: &#138; - mbstring: Š; polyfill: &#138;
Mismatch: &#139; - mbstring: ‹; polyfill: &#139;
Mismatch: &#140; - mbstring: Œ; polyfill: &#140;
Mismatch: &#141; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#141;
Mismatch: &#142; - mbstring: Ž; polyfill: &#142;
Mismatch: &#143; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#143;
Mismatch: &#144; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#144;
Mismatch: &#145; - mbstring: ‘; polyfill: &#145;
Mismatch: &#146; - mbstring: ’; polyfill: &#146;
Mismatch: &#147; - mbstring: “; polyfill: &#147;
Mismatch: &#148; - mbstring: ”; polyfill: &#148;
Mismatch: &#149; - mbstring: •; polyfill: &#149;
Mismatch: &#150; - mbstring: –; polyfill: &#150;
Mismatch: &#151; - mbstring: —; polyfill: &#151;
Mismatch: &#152; - mbstring: ˜; polyfill: &#152;
Mismatch: &#153; - mbstring: ™; polyfill: &#153;
Mismatch: &#154; - mbstring: š; polyfill: &#154;
Mismatch: &#155; - mbstring: ›; polyfill: &#155;
Mismatch: &#156; - mbstring: œ; polyfill: &#156;
Mismatch: &#157; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#157;
Mismatch: &#158; - mbstring: ž; polyfill: &#158;
Mismatch: &#159; - mbstring: Ÿ; polyfill: &#159;

While many of these are control characters (and the native function does return them), the single quote (dec 39) is particularly problematic.

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1 comment


18th Mar 2021 @ 04:11

help wanted findapr

I'm using Laravel 10. I've installed the package via "composer require php-flasher/flasher-laravel" Now I'm able to fire flash messages in my controller. I see them in the session data (in flasher::envelopes). But they aren't showing up in my views. In my config file I have 'auto_render' => true. If I put @flasher_render in my blade view, the only thing that's happens is, a notification to warn that this method wil be deprecated.

How can I fix this? I really like to use this package ;-)

View more


9th Mar 2023 @ 14:49

bug good first issue

AshAllenDesign\FaviconFetcher\Drivers\HttpDriver::convertToAbsoluteUrl(): Argument #2 ($faviconUrl) must be of type string, null given, called in /Users/tgugnani/Code/thehome/vendor/ashallendesign/favicon-fetcher/src/Drivers/HttpDriver.php on line 189

When trying to fetch favicon from a URL which does not have a href tag in it, exception is thrown. Can we modify the code so that fails gracefully.

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8th Mar 2024 @ 07:36

enhancement help wanted hacktoberfest

Describe the bug I have a table which has an order column. When I reorder the elements I update each model with the new order. Because the table has some large JSON columns I select only id and order columns for efficiency. I set the new order and save the model.

foreach (Faq::query()->get(['id', 'order']) as $faq) {
    $faq->order = $newOrder[$faq->id];

The diffs created in the activity_log table look like this:

   "old": {
      "order": 1,
      "answer": null,
      "question": null
   "attributes": {
      "order": 2,
      "answer": "long JSON content",
      "question": "long JSON content"

From what I see laravel-activitylog fetches the model with all columns from the database before creating a log entry which kind of defeats the purpose of my "select list optimization" and produces an incorrect diff.

Generally I want these large JSON columns to be logged in case a user changes them but in this case I only change the order column so I would like to see only the order column in the diff.

I have tried running these updates straight off the Eloquent builder:

Faq::query()->where('id', $id)->update(['order' => $newOrder[$id]]);

but in this case nothing is logged.

I have the following activitylog configuration for my models:

public function getActivitylogOptions(): LogOptions
    return LogOptions::defaults()

To Reproduce Select a subset of columns from the database, change these columns, save the model and see that other (not initially selected) columns are present in the diff.

Expected behavior Only columns that've actually been changed should be present in the diff.


  • PHP: 8.1
  • Database: MySQL 8
  • Laravel: 9.31.0
  • Package: 4.6.0
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28th Sep 2022 @ 21:53

help wanted

Currently, for plural rules, the MessageFormatter polyfills uses the English rules for all locales (it ignores the locale). To be consistent with what we do in symfony/intl (used by symfony/polyfill-intl-icu to implement NumberFormatter and DateFormatter), we should rather fail explicitly here (using the English rules for a different locale would not give the right result anyway)

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23rd Oct 2018 @ 15:34

help wanted

Octane Version


Laravel Version


PHP Version


What server type are you using?


Server Version


Database Driver & Version

No response


Same as #784, #748.

When using Route::bind() and URL::defaults() with Octane, it seems that UrlGenerator keeps the same instance of RouteUrlGenerator, and so the defaults are cached between requests.

Especially, I believe the issue happens when we use App\Http\Middleware\Authenticate to handle login sessions.

Steps To Reproduce

I created a public repo gazzoy/laravel-octane-urlgenerator-issue with a fresh Laravel v10.40.0, Octane v2.2.7(swoole), Sail v1.27.0(php8.2), and the smallest code to reproduce the issue.

  1. clone gazzoy/laravel-octane-urlgenerator-issue
  2. put an attached .env.txt on your local path as gazzoy/laravel-octane-urlgenerator-issue/.env.
  3. run below commands.
$ cd gazzoy/laravel-octane-urlgenerator-issue
$ docker run --rm \
    -u "$(id -u):$(id -g)" \
    -v "$(pwd):/var/www/html" \
    -w /var/www/html \
    laravelsail/php82-composer:latest \
    composer install --ignore-platform-reqs
$ ./vendor/bin/sail build --no-cache
$ ./vendor/bin/sail up -d
$ ./vendor/bin/sail artisan migrate:refresh --seed
  1. open your browser with: http://localhost/sample/paul/login It should show a page with a text "login page for paul" which is expected.

  2. open below url on the same browser: http://localhost/sample/john/home It redirects to http://localhost/sample/paul/login which doesn't make sense to me. Because, as of I understood, if Route::bind() and URL::defaults() work fine, we should be redirected to http://localhost/sample/john/login. Thefore, I believe it seems URL::defaults() keeps it states?

Having said that, I'm not too sure its actually Octane issue, so please let me know if this is not the case.

Just to clarify, my public repo has 3 commits as follows, but the first and second commits were just installing Laravel and Octane so you should be able to ignore it. The third commit is actually my original code to reproduce the issue.

  1. Fresh Laravel installation by Sail
  2. Installed Octane
  3. Added code to reproduce the issue

Please let me know if you have any questions.

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13th Jan 2024 @ 09:27

bug help wanted

Laravel Version


PHP Version


Database Driver & Version

No response


When using Tailwind's container queries plugin with the @class directive, Blade either throws exceptions about unexpected endif or simply doesn't compile the classes correct. Using Arr::toCssClasses directly works as expected.

The following examples are in the reproduction repo. (Note: Tailwind isn't installed and configured, but it isn't necessary to show the issues with the Blade compiler.)

Code that works

/success shows everything working as expected with the Arr::toCssClasses

I suspect this is working due to Blade wrapping everything in e().

Here's a snippet of the code that works (full example in the repo):

@if (filled($heading))
                'font-bold tracking-tight text-gray-900 @xs:text-4xl @md:text-6xl',
                'mt-10' => filled($callout),
                '@xs:mt-24 @md:mt-32 @xl:mt-16' => blank($callout)
        {{ $heading }}

@if (filled($description))
                'text-lg/8 text-gray-600',
                'mt-6' => filled($heading),
                'mt-10' => filled($callout) && blank($heading),
                '@xs:mt-24 @md:mt-32 @xl:mt-16' => blank($callout) && blank($heading),
        {{ $description }}

Code that throws an exception

/failure shows the exception (though this may be compounded by wrapping the HTML in conditionals)

Here's a snippet of the code that throws an exception (full example in the repo):

@if (filled($heading))
            'font-bold tracking-tight text-gray-900 @xs:text-4xl @md:text-6xl',
            'mt-10' => filled($callout),
            '@xs:mt-24 @md:mt-32 @xl:mt-16' => blank($callout)
        {{ $heading }}

@if (filled($description))
            'text-lg/8 text-gray-600',
            'mt-6' => filled($heading),
            'mt-10' => filled($callout) && blank($heading),
            '@xs:mt-24 @md:mt-32 @xl:mt-16' => blank($callout) && blank($heading),
        {{ $description }}

Code that compiles incorrectly

/incorrect is the same thing as /failure but without the conditionals (you can see that the content of the @class call is simply output on the page)

Here's a snippet of the code that compiles incorrectly (full example in the repo):

        'font-bold tracking-tight text-gray-900 @xs:text-4xl @md:text-6xl',
        'mt-10' => filled($callout),
        '@xs:mt-24 @md:mt-32 @xl:mt-16' => blank($callout)
    {{ $heading }}

        'text-lg/8 text-gray-600',
        'mt-6' => filled($heading),
        'mt-10' => filled($callout) && blank($heading),
        '@xs:mt-24 @md:mt-32 @xl:mt-16' => blank($callout) && blank($heading),
    {{ $description }}

Steps To Reproduce

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21st Feb 2024 @ 02:24