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Laravel's Concurrency::run() does not properly handle exceptions that require multiple constructor arguments. When an exception is thrown inside a concurrent task, Laravel only serializes the message property, and when it reinstantiates the exception in the parent process, it calls the constructor with only $message instead of all expected arguments.
This causes an ArgumentCountError when the exception constructor requires multiple parameters.
I used debugger to investigate what happens
In my code example below I was able to find that throw new ApiRequestException() happens once, but parent::construct called twice, first time using proper passed args, but the second time it goes only with one argument which is "API request to {$uri} failed with status $statusCode $reason"
in my case. I have tried to put args to parent::__construct like ("message", $code, ...) but it wouldn't work for me (I assume that it is because it calls construct of Exception class). ChatGPT explained that issue like that (I'm not saying that it is correct thing and also it was unable to give me any workaround of that):
This problem occurs because Laravel’s Concurrency::run() spawns subprocesses for concurrent tasks. When an exception is thrown inside a subprocess, Laravel serializes it to pass it back to the main process. However, Laravel only retains the message property when serializing, and when it attempts to reinstantiate the exception, it calls the constructor with only $message, instead of all required arguments, causing an ArgumentCountError.
Steps To Reproduce
- Create a Custom Exception with Multiple Arguments
namespace App\Exceptions;
use Exception;
class ApiRequestException extends Exception
public function __construct(
public string $uri,
public int $statusCode,
public string $reason,
public string|array $responseBody = '',
) {
parent::__construct("API request to {$uri} failed with status $statusCode $reason");
- Throw the Exception Inside a Concurrent Task
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Concurrency;
use App\Exceptions\ApiRequestException;
[$result1, $result2] = Concurrency::run([
fn () => throw new ApiRequestException('', 400, 'Bad Request', 'Invalid payload'),
fn () => 'Task 2 completed',