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enhancement help wanted

Hi! If I use this package with my project I has a problem. My package.json has a "git dependency" like this:

  "peerDependencies": {
    "package": "git+ssh://"

And npm-install-peers breaks.

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👍 5


18th Dec 2017 @ 08:52

bug enhancement good first issue

What happened?

I just installed package and complement for AI powered solution. When I create an issue to test it I get :

Capture d'écran 2024-07-21 125216

I had to change the links function like this to make it work for me:

public function links(): array
    $rawText = Str::finish($this->rawText, 'ENDLINKS');

    $textLinks = $this->between('LINKS', 'ENDLINKS', $rawText);

    $textLinks = explode(PHP_EOL, $textLinks);

    $links = [];

    foreach ($textLinks as $textLink) {
        $textLink = str_replace('\\', '\\\\', $textLink);
        $textLink = str_replace('\\\\\\', '\\\\', $textLink);

        $decodedLink = json_decode($textLink, true);

        if ($decodedLink !== null) {
            $links[$decodedLink['title']] = $decodedLink['url'];

    return $links;

How to reproduce the bug

When I install the package in my project and use it with AI powered

Package Version


PHP Version


Laravel Version


Which operating systems does with happen with?



No response

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1 comment


21st Jul 2024 @ 10:57

enhancement help wanted

For some reason, our test suite is super slow. We should look into this and try to decrease memory usage and speed it up.

Parallel run:

  Tests:    316 passed (785 assertions)
  Duration: 13.64s
  Parallel: 10 processes

Regular run:

  Tests:    316 passed (785 assertions)
  Duration: 96.30s
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29th Dec 2023 @ 10:43

help wanted

Laravel Version


PHP Version


Database Driver & Version

PostgreSQL 15.7 and MySQL 8.0.37


When eager loading a model relationships, the results differ from when they are lazy loaded. This issue occurs whenever a Relation is called inside the definition of another Relation, but only when eager loading is used on the main one.

After investigation I realized that the cause lies in Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder@eagerLoadRelation:

 // First we will "back up" the existing where conditions on the query so we can
 // add our eager constraints.
 $relation = $this->getRelation($name);
 // Then we will merge the wheres that were on the
 // query back to it in order that any where conditions might be specified.

Which calls the Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder@getRelation method:

 // We want to run a relationship query without any constraints so that we will
 // not have to remove these where clauses manually which gets really hacky
 // and error prone. We don't want constraints because we add eager ones.
 $relation = Relation::noConstraints(function () use ($name) {
     try {
         return $this->getModel()->newInstance()->$name();
     } catch (BadMethodCallException) {
         throw RelationNotFoundException::make($this->getModel(), $name);

Which gets to the root cause of the problem in Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation@noConstraints:

$previous = static::$constraints;

 static::$constraints = false;

 // When resetting the relation where clause, we want to shift the first element
 // off of the bindings, leaving only the constraints that the developers put
 // as "extra" on the relationships, and not original relation constraints.
 try {
 return $callback();
 } finally {
 static::$constraints = $previous;

The method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Relations\Relation@noConstraints is called during eager loading and uses a boolean attribute to manage the constraints. However, this flag is static and seems to be causing the where clauses of other relations to be omitted, leading to incorrect results.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Create the following schema
        // 0001_01_01_000000_create_users_table.php
        Schema::create('categories', function (Blueprint $table) {
        Schema::create('examples', function (Blueprint $table) {
  1. Create the following seeder:
        $user = User::factory()->create();

        $categories = [
            Category::query()->create(['user_id' => $user->id, 'name' => 'Category 1']),
            Category::query()->create(['user_id' => $user->id, 'name' => 'Category 2']),
            Category::query()->create(['user_id' => $user->id, 'name' => 'Category 3']),

            ['category_id' => $categories[0]->id, 'name' => 'Example 1', 'restricted' => false],
            ['category_id' => $categories[1]->id, 'name' => 'Example 2', 'restricted' => true],
            ['category_id' => $categories[2]->id, 'name' => 'Example 3', 'restricted' => false],
            ['category_id' => $categories[2]->id, 'name' => 'Example 4', 'restricted' => false],
            ['category_id' => $categories[2]->id, 'name' => 'Example 5', 'restricted' => true],

        User::factory()->create(); // another user just for demonstration
  1. Create a scope in the Example model:
class Example extends Model
    // ...
     * The authenticated user should only have access to not restricted Examples
     * or to the examples he owns.
    public function scopeHasAccess(Builder $query, ?User $user = null): Builder
        return $query->where(
            fn ($query) => $query->where('restricted', false)
                    $user !== null,
                    fn($query) => $query->orWhereIn('category_id', $user->categories->pluck('id'))
  1. Add the following relations to the models:
class User extends Authenticatable
    // ...
    public function categories(): HasMany
        return $this->hasMany(Category::class);

class Category extends Model
    // ...
    public function examples(): HasMany
        return $this->hasMany(Example::class);
  1. Authenticate:
    // Auth::login(User::find(2));
  1. Fetch all categories with their respective examples
        dump('Authenticated user: '.Auth::user()->id);
            fn(Category $category) => dump(sprintf('- %s: %d examples', $category->name, $category->examples->count()))
// Authenticated user: 1
// - Category 1: 1 examples"
// - Category 2: 1 examples"
// - Category 3: 3 examples"
// ----------------------------
// Authenticated user: 2"
// - Category 1: 1 examples"
// - Category 2: 0 examples"
// - Category 3: 2 examples"
  1. Execute the code again but eager loading the examples relation:
        dump('Authenticated user: '.Auth::user()->id);
            fn(Category $category) => dump(sprintf('- %s: %d examples', $category->name, $category->examples->count()))
// Authenticated user: 1
// - Category 1: 1 examples"
// - Category 2: 1 examples"
// - Category 3: 3 examples"
// ----------------------------
// Authenticated user: 2"
// - Category 1: 1 examples"
// - Category 2: 1 examples"
// - Category 3: 3 examples"
  • Expected behavior: The fetched relations should be consistent regardless of whether they are lazy or eager loaded.

  • Actual behavior:

    • Without eager loading: The user of id 2 has access to 3 examples (correct)
    • With eager loading: The user of id 2 has access to 5 examples (wrong)
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5 comments 👍 2 👀 1


18th Jun 2024 @ 08:10


Im using PHPFlasher in a symfony application however it adds session state when not in use. I am combining it with API Platform and my API itself it stateless so it should not hold any session data (causes errors).

How should i handle this (if even possible?)

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2nd Jun 2023 @ 12:24

help wanted

Octane Version


Laravel Version


PHP Version


What server type are you using?


Server Version


Database Driver & Version

No response


When streaming a response from a route behind Octane, the response gets buffered and arrives all at once instead of as it is generated.

Currently, wire:stream in Livewire is completely broken when using Laravel Octane, but the issue is not specific to Livewire and my instructions below use native Laravel and vanilla JavaScript only.

Steps To Reproduce

I have created a minimal reproduction repository. Follow the instructions in the README to observe the behaviour of artisan serve as opposed to Octane. There is a small amount of JavaScript in welcome.blade.php that sends the request and outputs the chunks in real time.

Here is the response, note the sleep(1) calls to simulate an artificial delay in receiving the stream chunks. When using artisan serve, there is a second delay between each number appearing. When using Octane, there is a 5 second delay before all numbers appear at once.

return response()->stream(function () {
    echo 1;


    echo 2;


    echo 3;


    echo 4;


    echo 5;
}, 200, [
    'Content-Type' => 'text/html; charset=utf-8;',
    'Cache-Control' => 'no-cache',
    'X-Accel-Buffering' => 'no',
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17 comments 👍 19


4th Jun 2024 @ 11:40

help wanted findapr

Flash messages are being stored in the session but are not showing up on the screen. They keep getting added with each request. The messages are not being rendered to the user.

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1 comment


28th Jun 2024 @ 18:29

help wanted

Laravel Version


PHP Version


Database Driver & Version

MariaDB 11.4.2


When using pagination with ResourceCollection while Model::preventAccessingMissingAttributes() is activated, an attempt to access resource attributes occurs. This access results in a violation of the prevent access to missing attributes policy, causing an exception to be thrown.

"message": "The attribute [resource] either does not exist or was not retrieved for model [App\\Models\\User].",
"exception": "Illuminate\\Database\\Eloquent\\MissingAttributeException"

Steps To Reproduce

  • install new laravel instance
  • create 1 user using the default seeder php artisan db:seed
  • in AppServiceProvider add in the register method this Model::shouldBeStrict(); or this Model::preventAccessingMissingAttributes();
  • make a UserCollection php artisan make:resource UserCollection
  • in any route now return this return new UserCollection(User::paginate());
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1 comment


21st Jul 2024 @ 16:10

help wanted findapr

I found some issues after the version 2 upgrade on Laravel 11:

  • Config inject_assets doesn't affect the rendering.
  • Config timeout is no longer working and I have to set it for every request
  • The option for replacing Laravel default flash is removed, and can't be changed unlike version 1, while the only way to skip this is by using other flash names except (success, error, warning, and info) which means changing a lot of code for existing apps.
  • Changing flash_bag in the config doesn't override the default bags but adds new values to the default array.
  • When using the Laravel default flash with the bags (success, error, warning, info) the php-flasher fires after reloading the page (after the flash expires).

If version 2 main concept is to replace the default Laravel flash without an option to disable it, I know that downgrading should be the proper solution but unfortunately, this also will not be a good solution because version 1 with Laravel 11 disables the default flash option entirely and also have to rewrite a lot of code to change it to php-flasher and that why I upgraded to version 2 in the first place.

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4 comments ❤️ 1


22nd May 2024 @ 19:31

bug help wanted good first issue

When I try to add a password-protected PDF file to the library, I get an exception indicating that the file is protected: This file requires a password for access

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1 comment


5th Jul 2024 @ 12:48

enhancement help wanted
  • standard tags
  • input fields
  • components
  • patterns

Add code snippets for each block

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👍 1


25th Jul 2016 @ 12:49

bug help wanted

What happened?

After installation, I noticed that in the browser console it outputs an error of wireEl is undefined.

How to reproduce the bug

Just install this package in a livewire project, preferable with Filament's admin package. And see the browser console.

composer create-project laravel/laravel test;
composer require filamentphp/filament;
composer require spatie/laravel-blade-comments;

Then go through the browser console and see the error

Package Version


PHP Version


Laravel Version


Which operating systems does with happen with?



Filament ......................................................
Packages ...... filament, forms, notifications, support, tables
Version .............................................. v2.17.44
Views ..................................... PUBLISHED: filament

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4 comments 👍 1


2nd Jun 2023 @ 07:15

help wanted findapr


I have an issue in my dockerized Laravel 10 app and flasher 1.15.3. The issue is that notifications are not displayed when I'm using something like this:

    public function customRoute(Request $request): RedirectResponse
        // action
        flash()->addSuccess('Success notification.');

        return redirect()->back();

When I'm redirecting notification won't be displayed, but when directly returning view it works. It behaves like that because of this part of code in your package:

final class StorageBag implements StorageInterface
     * @var BagInterface
    private $bag;

    public function __construct(BagInterface $bag = null)
        $this->bag = null !== $bag && 'cli' !== \PHP_SAPI ? $bag : new ArrayBag();

especially this 'cli' !== \PHP_SAPI because since we are using docker our app is in CLI mode. Can anoyone tell my why this PHP_SAPI check has to be present here?

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13th Sep 2023 @ 05:19

help wanted findapr

Laravel : phpflasher I am using for flash notification in laravel project. and for add product to cart i am sending the falsh to show successful message it works fine it shows up the flash notification error : But teh flash Toast comes back if you navigate away and return back to the page again is there any solution there. image


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3rd Jul 2024 @ 06:24

enhancement good first issue help wanted logic

Contact Details

No response

Feature Title

Add option for encrypted backups

Feature Description

When creating a backup task, there should be an option to type in a password that encrypts the backup for security.

Vanguard Version


Current Issues

No response

Additional Context

No response


No response

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26th Jul 2024 @ 21:24

help wanted ui

Dusk was added a few weeks ago and I will slowly be adding Dusk tests to the project piece by piece.

Contributions to this would be helpful as I'd like to get as much tested with Dusk as possible.

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26th Jul 2024 @ 21:43

help wanted

I would be good to support normalizer_get_raw_decomposition function that appeared in PHP 7.3. I've tried to implement it but seems that existing decomposition data is already optimized to get the final decomposition. Example test case is available here. Pinging @nicolas-grekas as he is the author of Normalizer polyfill.

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12th May 2018 @ 23:26

bug help wanted

When attempting to filter tests by test or file name pressing the "Enter" key has no effect.

Pressing "Enter" at the default screen correctly triggers a "test run" where all tests are run.

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25th Feb 2018 @ 10:49

enhancement help wanted

Figure our a way to show a grayed out Laravel logo as a default avatar instead of the current default GitHub one.

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29th Sep 2021 @ 10:48

enhancement help wanted hacktoberfest

Found the \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Concerns\HasAttributes::originalIsEquivalent() method during code diving and it should be usable for our trait! 🎉 This PR would be mainly reasearch when that method was added, if it's compatible with our version support rules and switching our own change detection logic with the core one.

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20th Oct 2021 @ 10:03

enhancement help wanted good first issue

Describe the bug logUnguarded() works provided that $guarded is set explicitly in the model. If it is not set explicitly but globally set, say in AppServiceProvider using Model::unguard(); then nothing is logged.

To Reproduce

  1. remove $fillable and $guarded from a model that use uses LogsActivity
  2. call Model::unguard(); in AppServiceProvider in the boot method
  3. set
    public function getActivitylogOptions() : LogOptions
        return LogOptions::defaults()->logUnguarded();
  1. Make some changes to a model and save them

Expected behavior Some changed properties should be logged but none are

Versions (please complete the following information)

  • PHP: 8.1
  • Database: MySql
  • Laravel: 9.38
  • Package: larvel-activitylog
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1 comment


20th Nov 2022 @ 12:31

help wanted

In raising this issue, I confirm the following (please check boxes):

  • I have read and understood the contributors guide.
  • I have checked the pull requests tab for existing solutions/implementations to my issue/suggestion.
  • I have checked that the bug-fix I am reporting can be replicated.

Description of the problem

One of the important reasons for using hyperscript is that it handles escaping of characters which are reserved in html. Which prevents XSS.

spatie/html-element does not do this. Mainly because it uses strings as intermediate format instead of an object representation of the DOM.

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6 comments 👍 3


1st Feb 2018 @ 02:19

help wanted question

AST, or "abstract syntax tree", creates the expectation of a nested tree structure. In the case of a query string, the AST will only ever be one level deep; as multi nodes are combined into one.

If anyone wants to suggest a better, more clear name: you're welcome.

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20th Dec 2018 @ 13:41

help wanted hacktoberfest good first issue documentation

We are logging activity of several models, some using SoftDeletes trait and others not.

When we set config option 'subject_returns_soft_deleted_models' => true then calling subject() on any model not using SoftDeletes trait throws an exception: Call to undefined method Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder::withTrashed().

Can the subject() method below be made to check first whether the Model uses the SoftDeletes trait? Or perhaps check whether withTrashed() is a defined method on the Model? I tried a few things but couldn't figure out how to get the class of the Model..

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7th Nov 2018 @ 13:44

help wanted

When encountering nested tokens, they are parsed only during formatting, not when compiling the pattern. And the type of tokens are validated only during the rendering as well. But the native implementation detects such error during the instantiation: This means that the error handling required for the polyfill is not the same than for the native implementation.

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23rd Oct 2018 @ 15:58

enhancement good first issue help wanted logic

Contact Details

No response

Feature Title

GitLab Sign-in Support

Feature Description

People will be able to login with GitLab, very similarly to the current GitHub integration.

Vanguard Version


Current Issues

No response

Additional Context

No response


No response

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26th Jul 2024 @ 21:23

help wanted

Octane Version


Laravel Version


PHP Version


What server type are you using?


Server Version

v1.1.4 PHP 8.3.6 Caddy v2.7.6

Database Driver & Version



Last week we updated our app previously using php-fpm running on Forge to use Laravel Octane with FrankenPHP. Our site is mostly an API that handles analytics events (Like google analytics). It uses the default Laravel api throttling.

In staging our app worked fine (30 req/sec same IP), but when deploying to production (1400 req/sec, different IPs) it started to fail, giving a lot of 429 Too Many Requests.


I quickly rolled back to php-fpm and after a few hours tried again with the same problem. Rolled back and the next day I switched to Swoole and it worked perfectly without changing a single line of code nor having to redeploy anything. So I can confidently say that is NOT a bug in my code, but rather a bug with FrankenPHP or the Octane integration with FrankenPHP.

My theory is that the RateLimiter is not reseting between requests so it's shared between different users. So multiple different users trigger the rate limiter:

This is my Rate limiter configuration:

// AppServiceProvider

RateLimiter::for('api', function (Request $request) {
    return Limit::perMinute(60)->by($request->user()?->id ?: $request->ip());

our production CACHE_STORE is redis. Throttling worked perfectly fine without octane and with octane but using Swoole. It failed with hundred of 429 Too Many Requests after installing FrankenPHP.

This is our bootstrap/app.php:


use Illuminate\Foundation\Application;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Configuration\Exceptions;
use Illuminate\Foundation\Configuration\Middleware;
use Illuminate\Support\Facades\App;

return Application::configure(basePath: dirname(__DIR__))
        commands: __DIR__.'/../routes/console.php',
        health: '/up',
        then: function () {


    ->withMiddleware(function (Middleware $middleware) {

            guests: '/login',
            users: '/',

        $middleware->web(append: [

        $middleware->api(append: [

            'localize' => \App\Http\Middleware\ConfigureLocale::class,
            'embed' => \App\Http\Middleware\AllowsEmbeding::class,
    ->withExceptions(function (Exceptions $exceptions) {

Steps To Reproduce

It's difficult to reproduce. Because I can't test it in production because that would mean a lot of downtime for our users.

My theory is that it would be possible to reproduce from multiple different IPs. But since I don't have the means to test it, I don't know.

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9 comments 👍 1


14th May 2024 @ 00:15

help wanted

NotOrm Package

The goal is to make abstract code based on the package notorm to build a new orm system

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15th Jun 2022 @ 12:34

enhancement help wanted logic

Contact Details

No response

Feature Title

Add an API

Feature Description

This is a rather long term goal, but Vanguard should support an API so users can trigger backup tasks to run remotely.

This will be a significant undertaking as the current system wasn't built with an API in mind, mainly lots of Livewire components triggering actions, as opposed to discrete Action classes.

Vanguard Version


Current Issues

No response

Additional Context

No response


No response

View more


26th Jul 2024 @ 21:27

help wanted

When calling mb_convert_encoding() with $fromEncoding === 'HTML-ENTITIES', the polyfill does not return functionally equivalent strings to the native function. This is because mb_convert_encoding() uses html_entity_decode() when $fromEncoding === 'HTML-ENTITIES' and that function does not return characters for many numeric entities 0-31 and 127-159. For example:


require "vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/Mbstring.php";

use Symfony\Polyfill\Mbstring as p;

for($i = 0; $i < 1024; $i++) {
	$string = "&#" . $i . ";";
	$mbstring = mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', 'HTML-ENTITIES');
	$polyfill = p\Mbstring::mb_convert_encoding($string, 'UTF-8', 'HTML-ENTITIES');
	if($mbstring != $polyfill) {
		echo "Mismatch: $string - mbstring: $mbstring; polyfill: $polyfill\n";


Mismatch: &#0; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#0;
Mismatch: &#1; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#1;
Mismatch: &#2; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#2;
Mismatch: &#3; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#3;
Mismatch: &#4; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#4;
Mismatch: &#5; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#5;
Mismatch: &#6; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#6;
Mismatch: &#7; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#7;
Mismatch: &#8; - mbstring:; polyfill: &#8;
Mismatch: &#11; - mbstring:
                            ; polyfill: &#11;
Mismatch: &#12; - mbstring:
                            ; polyfill: &#12;
Mismatch: &#14; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#14;
Mismatch: &#15; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#15;
Mismatch: &#16; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#16;
Mismatch: &#17; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#17;
Mismatch: &#18; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#18;
Mismatch: &#19; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#19;
Mismatch: &#20; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#20;
Mismatch: &#21; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#21;
Mismatch: &#22; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#22;
Mismatch: &#23; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#23;
Mismatch: &#24; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#24;
Mismatch: &#25; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#25;
Mismatch: &#26; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#26;
Mismatch: &#27; - mbstring:  polyfill: &#27;
Mismatch: &#28; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#28;
Mismatch: &#29; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#29;
Mismatch: &#30; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#30;
Mismatch: &#31; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#31;
Mismatch: &#39; - mbstring: '; polyfill: &#39;
Mismatch: &#127; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#127;
Mismatch: &#128; - mbstring: €; polyfill: &#128;
Mismatch: &#129; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#129;
Mismatch: &#130; - mbstring: ‚; polyfill: &#130;
Mismatch: &#131; - mbstring: ƒ; polyfill: &#131;
Mismatch: &#132; - mbstring: „; polyfill: &#132;
Mismatch: &#133; - mbstring: …; polyfill: &#133;
Mismatch: &#134; - mbstring: †; polyfill: &#134;
Mismatch: &#135; - mbstring: ‡; polyfill: &#135;
Mismatch: &#136; - mbstring: ˆ; polyfill: &#136;
Mismatch: &#137; - mbstring: ‰; polyfill: &#137;
Mismatch: &#138; - mbstring: Š; polyfill: &#138;
Mismatch: &#139; - mbstring: ‹; polyfill: &#139;
Mismatch: &#140; - mbstring: Œ; polyfill: &#140;
Mismatch: &#141; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#141;
Mismatch: &#142; - mbstring: Ž; polyfill: &#142;
Mismatch: &#143; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#143;
Mismatch: &#144; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#144;
Mismatch: &#145; - mbstring: ‘; polyfill: &#145;
Mismatch: &#146; - mbstring: ’; polyfill: &#146;
Mismatch: &#147; - mbstring: “; polyfill: &#147;
Mismatch: &#148; - mbstring: ”; polyfill: &#148;
Mismatch: &#149; - mbstring: •; polyfill: &#149;
Mismatch: &#150; - mbstring: –; polyfill: &#150;
Mismatch: &#151; - mbstring: —; polyfill: &#151;
Mismatch: &#152; - mbstring: ˜; polyfill: &#152;
Mismatch: &#153; - mbstring: ™; polyfill: &#153;
Mismatch: &#154; - mbstring: š; polyfill: &#154;
Mismatch: &#155; - mbstring: ›; polyfill: &#155;
Mismatch: &#156; - mbstring: œ; polyfill: &#156;
Mismatch: &#157; - mbstring: ; polyfill: &#157;
Mismatch: &#158; - mbstring: ž; polyfill: &#158;
Mismatch: &#159; - mbstring: Ÿ; polyfill: &#159;

While many of these are control characters (and the native function does return them), the single quote (dec 39) is particularly problematic.

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1 comment


18th Mar 2021 @ 04:11

help wanted


With the polyfill, var_dump(mb_strlen(chr(254))) return 0. With the php8.0-mbstring extension, var_dump(mb_strlen(chr(254))) return 1;

versions : * v1.26.0

Thanks, Alex

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18th Oct 2022 @ 12:51

help wanted


I noticed that there is an incompatibility with the mbstring polyfill and PHP 8.1 / Alpine Linux, which breaks a lot of my projects as soon as the php81-mbstring is not installed, but php81-iconv is installed:


Warning: iconv(): Wrong encoding, conversion from "ASCII" to "UTF-8//IGNORE" is not allowed in phar:///var/www/localhost/htdocs/phpstan.phar/vendor/symfony/polyfill-mbstring/Mbstring.php on line 736

It looks like //IGNORE is not accepted since echo iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8', 'test'); works, while echo iconv('UTF-8', 'UTF-8//IGNORE', 'test'); doesn't

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2 comments 👍 1


7th Jan 2022 @ 00:12

help wanted

Add in PHP 7.3 as Normalizer::normalize() argument for NFKC_Casefold normalization.

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1 comment


7th Feb 2019 @ 10:11

help wanted

Laravel Version


PHP Version


Database Driver & Version

No response


Hello. I change user agent in Http::globalRequestMiddleware like below according to this link:

Http::globalRequestMiddleware(fn ($request) => $request->withHeader(
    'User-Agent', 'Example Application/1.0'

When I use RequestSending event like the example in document I get another user agent:

public function LogHttpClientRequests(RequestSending $event)
    Log::info('Request Sending Headers:', $event->request->headers());

I get GuzzleHttp/7 in log file:

local.INFO: Request Sending Headers: {"User-Agent":["GuzzleHttp/7"]} 

The expected User-Agent is Example Application/1.0. This happens with any modifications in header. The request that is actually get sent has the correct User Agent but the log shows invalid output. How can I get this fixed?

Steps To Reproduce

1- Create app/Providers/HttpClientServiceProvider.php:

public function register(): void

public function boot(): void
    Http::globalRequestMiddleware(fn ($request) => $request->withHeader(
        'Example Application/1.0'

2- Register event in app/Providers/EventServiceProvider.php:

protected $listen = [
    RequestSending::class => [
    ResponseReceived::class => [
    ConnectionFailed::class => [

3- Create app/Listeners/LogHttpClientRequests.php:

public function LogHttpClientRequests(RequestSending $event): void
    Log::info('Request Sending Headers:', $event->request->headers());

4- Run Http::get('') in tinker.

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1st Jul 2024 @ 23:31

enhancement help wanted

Discussed in

Originally posted by indyjonesnl January 10, 2024

$lodgingBusiness = Schema::lodgingBusiness()
      ->opens(new DateTime('09:00:00'))
      ->closes(new DateTime('17:00:00'))
  ->checkinTime(new DateTime('14:00:00'))
  ->checkoutTime(new DateTime('11:00:00'))

This results in the current date + time being included in the output "opens":"2024-01-10T09:00:00+00:00","closes":"2024-01-10T17:00:00+00:00" and ..."checkinTime":"2024-01-10T14:00:00+00:00","checkoutTime":"2024-01-10T11:00:00+00:00"...

While the Schema should contain only the time, formatted as 14:30:00+08:00.

Can someone point me in the right direction?

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11th Jan 2024 @ 13:12

help wanted

Octane Version


Laravel Version


PHP Version


What server type are you using?


Server Version


Database Driver & Version

No response


Before i start, this is not a duplicate to, this is about Swoole. Also large stream responses are fixed with, but not this case.

While using Storage::download or Storage::response, laravel is creating a stream response that uses php fpassthru($stream). Somehow the buffering between fpassthru and ob_start does not work, instead it tries to load the full file into the memory. This leads to out of memory errors while downloading very big files.

If i replace the fpassthru with a fread-while-loop it is working as expected.

I can basically make a pull request, but need help with the solution... Is this more a problem in the laravel framework or PHP itself?

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Write a laravel controller that uses Storage::download() to download file with e.g. 1 GB
  2. Call the controller and see the out of memory error
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1 comment


24th Jul 2024 @ 11:18

help wanted findapr

I'm using Laravel 10. I've installed the package via "composer require php-flasher/flasher-laravel" Now I'm able to fire flash messages in my controller. I see them in the session data (in flasher::envelopes). But they aren't showing up in my views. In my config file I have 'auto_render' => true. If I put @flasher_render in my blade view, the only thing that's happens is, a notification to warn that this method wil be deprecated.

How can I fix this? I really like to use this package ;-)

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9th Mar 2023 @ 14:49

help wanted

Currently, for plural rules, the MessageFormatter polyfills uses the English rules for all locales (it ignores the locale). To be consistent with what we do in symfony/intl (used by symfony/polyfill-intl-icu to implement NumberFormatter and DateFormatter), we should rather fail explicitly here (using the English rules for a different locale would not give the right result anyway)

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23rd Oct 2018 @ 15:34

Feature help wanted

Calling for help from Docker experts. We need to create the best possible docker-compose.yml file for this project. The application requirements are well defined (we use env vars, Webpack Encore, PHP 7.1, Symfony 4.1, SQLite database, etc.) so it should be possible to create that file.

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30 comments 👍 28


21st May 2018 @ 09:37

help wanted findapr
protected $listeners = [
public function logout()
            ->addInfo('confirm or deny action');

public function sweetalertConfirmed(array $payload)
        sweetalert()->addSuccess('sweetalert was confirmed');

public function sweetalertDenied(array $payload)
        sweetalert()->addError('sweetalert was denied');

i have code for laravel 10 and livewire 3 and get Uncaught TypeError: Livewire.components is undefined when i click button logout, here my button logout:

<a wire:click.prevent="logout" href="#" class="nav_link" data-bs-toggle="tooltip" data-bs-title="Logout">
    <i class='bx bx-log-out nav_icon'></i>
    <span class="nav_name">Logout</span>

how can fix this code

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12th Dec 2023 @ 05:38

help wanted findapr
  public function bell()
        $this->count += 1;
        flash()->addInfo('Your information has been saved and a confirmation email has been sent.');

This flash message doesn't show up until I reload the page If I reload the page then what's is the point of using livewire

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12 comments 👍 1


17th Nov 2023 @ 01:19

enhancement good first issue help wanted ui logic

Contact Details

No response

Feature Title

Option to disable registration feature

Feature Description

There should be a configuration toggle in the .ENV file that allows people to disable registration.

When toggled, there should be a message on /register stating that registration is disabled.

Vanguard Version


Current Issues

No response

Additional Context

No response


No response

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15th Jul 2024 @ 20:35

enhancement help wanted
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12th Mar 2024 @ 10:20

bug help wanted

Laravel Version

10.x and 11.x

PHP Version

8.1, 8.2 and 8.3

Database Driver & Version

No response


Description of the Issue

When a Bus::chain contains a job with a readonly promoted non-scalar property, only the first job or batch in the chain is executed. The subsequent jobs or batches appear to be discarded. Additionally, even if the chain is dispatched on a non-default queue, the jobs still run on the default queue.

No exceptions were found in the logs.


Laravel versions: 10.x and 11.x PHP versions: 8.1, 8.2, and 8.3


Failing test PR : #51878 A repository that reproduces the problem can be found here:

Here is a screenshot illustrating the issue: image

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Create a Bus::chain with at least one job having a readonly promoted non-scalar property.
  2. Dispatch the chain.
  3. Observe that only the first job or batch is executed, and subsequent jobs/batches are not processed.
  4. Note that jobs run on the default queue, regardless of the specified queue.
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3 comments 👍 1


21st Jun 2024 @ 13:40

help wanted

Octane Version


Laravel Version


PHP Version


What server type are you using?


Server Version


Database Driver & Version

No response


When the server runs out of memory, swoole is restarted after a restart of the server. Swoole thinks that the process should still be active because the PID is still in the octane-server-state.json, but this process ID doesn't exist anymore. Then in line 22-24 of src/Swoole/SwooleExtension.php it tries to kill a PID which doesn't exist anymore, receives a Operation not permitted[1] error and crashes the process, which is not started anymore.

Steps To Reproduce

  1. Create a laravel octane instance.
  2. Start up the server
  3. Trigger an OOM error on the server
  4. Try to restart the octane instance
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1st Jul 2024 @ 07:31

enhancement help wanted ui logic

Contact Details

No response

Feature Title

Add Telegram Support

Feature Description

Users will be able to create a Telegram focused Notification Stream, allowing for backup task notifications to be sent via Telegram bot.

Vanguard Version


Current Issues

No response

Additional Context

No response


No response

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26th Jul 2024 @ 21:22

enhancement help wanted hacktoberfest

Describe the bug I have a table which has an order column. When I reorder the elements I update each model with the new order. Because the table has some large JSON columns I select only id and order columns for efficiency. I set the new order and save the model.

foreach (Faq::query()->get(['id', 'order']) as $faq) {
    $faq->order = $newOrder[$faq->id];

The diffs created in the activity_log table look like this:

   "old": {
      "order": 1,
      "answer": null,
      "question": null
   "attributes": {
      "order": 2,
      "answer": "long JSON content",
      "question": "long JSON content"

From what I see laravel-activitylog fetches the model with all columns from the database before creating a log entry which kind of defeats the purpose of my "select list optimization" and produces an incorrect diff.

Generally I want these large JSON columns to be logged in case a user changes them but in this case I only change the order column so I would like to see only the order column in the diff.

I have tried running these updates straight off the Eloquent builder:

Faq::query()->where('id', $id)->update(['order' => $newOrder[$id]]);

but in this case nothing is logged.

I have the following activitylog configuration for my models:

public function getActivitylogOptions(): LogOptions
    return LogOptions::defaults()

To Reproduce Select a subset of columns from the database, change these columns, save the model and see that other (not initially selected) columns are present in the diff.

Expected behavior Only columns that've actually been changed should be present in the diff.


  • PHP: 8.1
  • Database: MySQL 8
  • Laravel: 9.31.0
  • Package: 4.6.0
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28th Sep 2022 @ 21:53

help wanted

Laravel Version


PHP Version


Database Driver & Version

No response


Closure in job Bus::chain is not called if it is after Bus::batch - exception is thrown but there is nothing in failed jobs. Call to undefined method Closure::getClosure() {"exception":"[object] (Error(code: 0): Call to undefined method Closure::getClosure() at /home/eldair/code/bus_chain_test/vendor/laravel/framework/src/Illuminate/Queue/CallQueuedClosure.php:107)

Steps To Reproduce

Batch setup

$batch = [];
for ($i=0; $i < 5; $i++) {
    $batch[] = new BatchJob($i + 1);

This will throw the exception and the closure will not be called

    new ChainedJob,
    function () {
        logger('after batch');

This works fine

    new ChainedJob,
    new ChainedJob,
    function () {
        logger('after batch');

Here is the reproduction repo, nothing was added except two jobs and console command to call the code above.

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24th Jun 2024 @ 17:25

help wanted ui

We welcome contributions adding additional languages to Vanguard.

The danish language has full coverage, from what I've seen, so please copy that file and translate into your intended language and open a PR.

Any language corrections should also be via PR.

I recommend reading this section of the docs for how Vanguard handles internationalization.

Thank you!

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26th Jul 2024 @ 21:34